Can you relate to any of these statements?

  • I know what I want my home to feel and look like, but I just can’t seem to make it happen on my own.

  • It is hard to cook, clean and do laundry in my home. Every task is a chore.

  • There is a/are room(s) I cannot walk in and I have no real idea what is in there.

  • I continually lose items and have a habit of over-buying.

  • I am embarrassed to have people over. I would hate for them to look in a closet or my cupboards and judge me.

  • Letting go of sentimental items that I don’t have room for gives me anxiety.

  • The clutter in my home is affecting my relationships with my family.

  • I feel stressed in areas of my home and it is hard to relax.

  • I feel like my family conspires against me. As soon as I have everything the way I like it organized, I turn around and it’s a mess again.

  • I don’t know where to start and I feel paralyzed. It shouldn’t feel this hard.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your home and ready for a change?